The Money Advice Scotland Wellbeing Index is the first of its kind for the advice sector in Scotland. It presents the results of surveys distributed across the year and paints a picture of the current state of wellbeing among the workforce. 

Our previous research on adviser wellbeing highlighted a clear need for change to support wellbeing in the money advice sector, and resulted in the creation of our Adviser Wellbeing Project. The project addresses the immediate wellbeing needs of advisers through our programme of wellbeing workshops, as well as more research into what helps and harms staff wellbeing. The Wellbeing Index is the culmination of this part of the project. 

Below you will be able to find the reports from 2020/21, 2021/22, as well as our most recent Wellbeing Index 2022/23. Click on the cover images to access each report. 





We are grateful to Scottish Government for supporting our Adviser Wellbeing Project and its research. Their funding on this project since 2020 shows an admirable commitment to tackling the difficult subject of wellbeing in the money advice sector.

We would like to thank all those who have participated in our research and shared their experiences with us. The ongoing support and participation of staff in the sector is crucial to creating meaningful change for advisers.