Wellbeing Blog: The Impact of Talking about Mental Health in the Free Money Advice Sector As the workplace becomes increasingly fast-paced due to the high demand for service provision, understanding mental health and wellbeing has never been more important in the free money advice sector. Couple this with the modern world demanding more of our attention, we become further disconnected from our own needs and happiness, leading to a workforce where anxiety, depression and other mental health issues are common. According to the Mental Health Foundation, 1 in 4 people experience mental ill-health at some point in their lives. That's why the right support needs to be available to allow those with poor mental health to get back to being their best selves. By having the right tools, individuals can better manage their conditions or even overcome them. Why is it important to talk about mental health? Mental health issues can affect anyone. But, unlike physical health which is openly discussed, mental health can often be stigmatised, which can make it difficult to talk about. However, it’s important to remember that struggling with your mental health or living with a mental health issue is nothing to be ashamed of. Many people struggle with mental illness on a daily basis. By talking about mental health, we can help break down the stigma and make it easier for people to seek help and support. Why the Workplace The workplace is where lots of us spend a huge amount of our time, if we’re struggling with our mental health, it can have a big impact on our work. Individuals might start to feel like they’re not performing as well as they could; they might start to feel isolated; or relationships with colleagues might suffer. The workplace can be an important place to talk about mental health. It’s easy to shy away from the thought of talking about mental health with your boss, colleagues, or employees. Talking about this at work can be difficult, but if it feels right, it can help to connect us with others who may have experienced similar issues. So let’s explore a few reasons why we should be talking about Mental Health in the Workplace: Reason 1: To Support Suicide Prevention Talking about mental health at work can help to create an environment in which employees can feel comfortable reaching out for support. If an employee is struggling with mental health issues, they may be more likely to seek help if they know that their workplace is supportive. Reason 2: To Support Employees Living With Mental Health Issues Talking about mental health at work helps organisations and managers support mental health issues at work. Employees that are affected by mental health issues like depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, or even substance abuse issues, may find it difficult to cope with their condition and continue to work. By talking about mental health at work, employers and colleagues can help to create an environment that is understanding and supportive. This can make it easier for employees to manage any mental health issues and continue working without stigma. Reason 3: To Reduce the Stigma Surrounding Mental Health Joining the mental health conversation at work can help to reduce the stigma attached to mental health issues. This is important because the stigma surrounding mental health can prevent people from seeking help. By talking about mental health at work openly and without judgement, employers and colleagues can help create a positive attitude towards mental health. This could encourage employees, who may be struggling, to speak up and get the help they need. Reason 4: To Help Others Do the Same If you talk openly about mental health, you could help encourage others to do the same. This is especially true if you are in a leadership position. If you open up a conversation about mental health, your employees may feel more comfortable doing the same. This can create a domino effect that could lead to more people discussing and seeking help for any mental health issues they may have. As part of your organisation’s leadership team, you could help to make a real difference to the way mental health is viewed and talked about. Reason 5: To Foster a Sense of Community When mental health is openly discussed in the workplace, it can help to improve the overall culture, and foster a sense of community in your organisation. This is because employees may feel more comfortable being themselves, which can lead to better relationships and communication. Additionally, talking about mental health at work can help to create an understanding and supportive environment. This can promote good mental health and benefit everyone in the workplace. When employees feel like they are part of a supportive community, they are more likely to be productive and engaged in their work. Reason 6: To Help Employees Seek Treatment It’s also important to talk about mental health at work to encourage employees to seek help or treatment if necessary. Reason 7: To Spot Early Warning Signs of Poor Mental Health Spotting the early warning signs of mental ill-health can help prevent issues from escalating. If you are able to spot these early warning signs, you can take action to support someone. This could involve signposting them to the right resources or services, or simply having a conversation with them about their wellbeing. Your Next Steps: As you can see, there are many reasons why it’s important to talk about mental health at work. Now you might be wondering exactly how to talk about mental health at work. What are your next steps? Great news, we have developed a range of training designed to assist you in gaining an understanding of mental health, while creating a supportive and inclusive environment where individuals feel comfortable talking about their mental health and wellbeing. This training is open to everyone in the free money advice sector in Scotland: An Introduction to Understanding Mental Health (E-Learning) This course is designed to help those working in the Free Money Advice Sector recognise the signs and symptoms of mental health, while gaining an awareness of the treatment and support available. The course is perfect in helping you gain knowledge and confidence in supporting colleagues experiencing Mental Health concerns while also supporting your own wellbeing. The course consists of 8 modules. Sign up for the course here. Talking About Wellbeing This 2 hour workshop focuses on how to build a workplace culture that promotes and supports positive conversations around mental health and wellbeing at work. We will explore the importance of discussing wellbeing in the workplace and identify some of the barriers to having an open dialogue. During this hands on workshop, participants will learn how to start supportive conversations using the C.A.R.E Model and have an opportunity to put these new skills into practice. Sign up for the course here. A Practical Guide to Managing Team Wellbeing This 2 hour workshop is designed to support managers, team leaders, HR, or anyone else responsible for managing team wellbeing. We will look at the key factors in workplace wellbeing culture, while exploring practical tools and resources to assess team wellbeing, implement strategies and develop a team wellbeing action plan. This event is open to everyone in the free money advice sector in Scotland. Sign up for the course here. All the latest workforce wellbeing training, events and resources can be found on the Money Advice Scotland website. For any wellbeing training enquiries, please contact our Workforce Wellbeing Officer, Chris, via [email protected] Manage Cookie Preferences