
The Fair Work Convention's Framework defines Fair Work as work that offers effective voice, fulfilment, opportunity, respect and security. These dimensions of Fair Work will manifest in different ways in different workplaces, aiming to balance the rights and responsibilities of workers and employers. They should be visible in the attitudes, behaviours, culture and policies and practices within an organisation – demonstrating the value placed on fair and equal opportunity in work.  Fair Work First is the Scottish Government's policy for driving high quality and fair work across the labour market in Scotland, and sets out a number of fair working practices which employers should adopt.


Our Commitment 

Money Advice Scotland (MAS) is committed to adopting fair working practices across the organisation in line with the criteria set out in the Fair Work First guidance, as part of a continuous improvement approach. 


We have created a safe confidential environment where open dialogue is central to the organisational culture. The challenges we face are dealt with constructively and transparently, involving the whole team. A place where colleagues views are sought out, listened to and acted upon, and can make a difference. Currently MAS SLT are tasked with undertaking an organisation wide ‘Staff Well-being Survey’, at least twice a year, to make sure the right decisions are made to ensure workers are treated fairly and equitably.


We will provide learning opportunities for employees at all levels and encourage everyone to engage in lifelong learning.  Formal and informal learning opportunities will be offered and encouraged across the workforce, relating to specific roles as well as wider development.  Staff are supported in keeping their professional qualifications up-to-date.


We do not use zero hour contracts or contracts that set out a minimum number of hours to be worked. Instead, all staff will be employed on permanent or fixed term contracts with confirmed hours and work pattern.


We monitor personnel data to understand our workforce diversity and pay gap information and consider what actions need to be taken to address under representation.  We will ensure the organisation continues to be a place that does not create barriers or exclude people with disabilities, and make workplace adjustments for disabled staff who need it. We support and encourage flexible working for all employees. 


We recognise the importance of paying staff fairly so that they can enjoy a decent standard of living without dependence on outside subsidies'.  We will continue to pay all our staff at least the real Living Wage, in line with the Living Wage Foundation recommendations.  We will advocate for the real living wage with other organisations we work with and will ensure to the best of our abilities to only work with suppliers pay a living wage when procuring goods and services.


MAS Staff Handbook demonstrates our commitment to support flexible and family working.  Subject to business need, we will provide flexible working and family friendly working practices from day one of employment, which will include, but are not limited to:


  • part-time work
  • job share
  • compressed hours
  • hybrid working
  • working from home


Flexible and family friendly options are available at all levels in the organisation and for all staff.

'Fire and rehire' is the terminology currently most used to describe the practice of 'dismissal and re-engagement'.  MAS is committed to not using fire and rehire practice.