These resources are aimed to help students as they enter the world of work and develop their financial skills as they transition from education to employment. 

Student Money Guide

This students' guide provides useful information about student bank accounts, checking benefit entitlement, budgeting, managing household bills, as well as signposting to practical resources and further support. 

Bank Accounts 

This resource provides useful information on bank accounts and online banking. It covers the types of accounts available and understanding banking jargon.

Credit File Guide 

This guide helps students understand what a credit report is, why it is important and what factors influence your credit score.

Starting a New Job

This resource provides an introduction to the world of work even if this is a part-time role or starting your career. This guide looks at wage slips, salary deductions and possible expenses to consider. This resource has also been updated for 2023.

Buy Now Pay Later FAQs

This FAQ resource provides useful information on using BNPL, explaining how this form of credit works, some of the benefits and risks to be aware of, and highlights some of the changes coming to BNPL.

Understanding Tax

Each year we offer an updated resource that looks at income tax and other types of tax you may encounter. This guide also discusses how tax is calculated as well as understanding tax codes.