Economic Abuse Panel Discussion - 3rd August 2023

In early August, Money Advice Scotland hosted a thought-provoking panel discussion that explored the topic of Economic Abuse. The panel presentations were recorded and have been made available for members of MAS to watch. 

We were delighted to be joined by a range of expert speakers including

  • Jenn Glinski provided information on the research she has conducted on economic abuse in Scotland. Jenn highlighted her work on the ‘Post-Separation: Economic Power and Control’ wheel she created as part of her research. Jenn is an economic abuse expert with over 10 years of experience in domestic abuse research and policy. Her consultancy work brings together her expertise in economic abuse research, training, banking and advice across the public and private sectors in the UK.

  • Robyn Moffat-Wall, as a representative from Financially Included provides us with information on the work they do and gives an example of some of the activities they include in their training with those in the money advice sector. Financially Included seeks to identify and respond effectively to women who are living with or have lived with financial abuse as part of their experience. It will develop the skills, knowledge and expertise of operational staff in the money advice sector and those in front-line women’s organisations. Earlier identification of financial abuse within a context of gender-based violence will ensure that women receive the right services to allow financial autonomy and efficacy. By developing a systems approach we aim to ensure that money and advice organisations meet their responsibilities around gender-based violence as a service provider and a partner agency. 

  • Detective Inspector Iain Renfrew joined us representing Police Scotland from their domestic abuse coordination unit. Iain discussed what the police are doing to respond to economic abuse within a domestic setting and how they can support victims of economic abuse within a domestic setting. 

  • Danna Higgins, joined us as a member of the Money Advice Training Resource Information and Consultancy Service (MATRICS) team - a joint project between MAS and Citizen's Advice Scotland specialise in developing, creating, and delivering debt advice training to the FCA-regulated free debt advice sector in Scotland via MATRICS learn. We also provide debt advisers with second-tier support and advice. A representative will discuss some of the issues money and debt advisers may face about economic abuse.


Throughout the recording presentation slides are used to guide speakers and communicate their knowledge. PDF copies of these slides are available below from participants who have given Money Advice Scotland access. 

Jenn Glinski - Presentation Slides

Financially Included - Presentation Slides

For Further Information on this event and future in-person panels, you can email us at [email protected]