Various suppliers have their own funds to help customers struggling to pay for their energy bills. Please note that to access most of these funds, customers must have first received money advice. T

Scottish Power



British Gas

OVO Energy 

Other funds are available 

Home Heating Support Fund 

Warm Home Discount Scheme: Several energy suppliers across the UK have signed up to the Warm Home Discount Scheme which offers eligible households a one-off discount of £140 to their energy bill. 

Cold Weather Payment: If the average temperature in your area falls below zero degrees Celsius over a seven day period(between November and March), eligible individuals could receive a payment of £25 (per seven day period) to put towards fuel costs. 

Winter Fuel Payment:This is different from the cold weather payment as it is only available to households with individuals over state pension age. The payment is one-off, to be used towards heating costs in the winter months and the amount can vary depending on circumstances. Most people of the required age will automatically get the Winter Fuel Payment if they receive state pension.

Child Winter Heating Assistance: This is a payment of £200 to help families with disabled children with the cost of heating. You do not need to apply for the payment if the child currently lives in Scotland. If the child or young person is eligible, you'll be paid automatically into the same account that your Disability Living Allowance for children is paid into.

There are also some useful tools to help you check what you might be eligible for. 

Turn2Us: Please note that some of the funds might require a referral from a money adviser.